Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School

The other day I was waiting for the girls in the parent pick-up lane at school. I saw a Mom walk by with a sleeping toddler on her shoulder. I remember those days. I remember going to school to get Tara and carrying a dead weight Lily sleeping on my shoulder. I would try to keep Lily comfortable and not wake her while waiting in 100+ temperatures for Tara. Now I sit in my air conditioned van in the parent pick-up lane waiting for a 2nd and 4th grader to come out of the building. Where has the time gone?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Something’s Gotta Give

My sister-in-law and I were talking awhile ago about how busy our lives can get. As we take on additional responsibilities we find that ‘something’s gotta give.’ In the last year my ‘something’ was my blog. I just did not have the time to continue blogging or reading blogs, something I have truly missed.

I have had so many occasions in the last year where I have thought to myself “I should blog this.” Earlier in the year, Michael and I attended a funeral. While at the funeral we saw some friends we had not seen in years. We were visiting with a particular friend we had not seen in 15 years. He was asking Michael about our girls. I did not take my purse and said to Michael, “Don’t you have pictures in your wallet?” Michael eagerly said “yes, I do.” He opened his wallet and took two pictures out to show our friend. I looked at the pictures and gasped. Lily was a year old and Tara was three. I was like “seriously?” We all got a good laugh and Michael said it was my fault because I had not given him updated pictures. Another friend was standing with us when all this took place and he said he had seen the girls because he had read my blog. My blog, I had forgotten about my blog. I was thrilled that someone had actually read my blog. I missed my blog.

Ever since that day I have been thinking about my blog and how much I miss blogging and reading blogs. Even Tara and Lily have expressed blogging. In fact, their Aunt Janette helped each of them create a blog. There are 2 new blogs on my side bar.

Tara’s blog: Even If I Figured It Out
Lily’s blog: Bubblegum

I have decided I want to try blogging again. So for now…something else will have to give.

Note to self: Update the pictures in Husband’s wallet.